Pro Bono divorce attorneys in Indiana

Indiana Divorce Attorneys / Lawyers  October 23, 2013 – 15:44
Mallor Clendening Grodner & Bohrer, LLP - Divorce; We understand family law matters.
Lee Reberger, Jr. - We represent individuals with child custody, paternity, parental rights issues. Carmel
Hollingsworth Jocham & Zivitz, LLC - Our attorneys are experienced in all areas of family law.

EvansvilleBowers Harrison Kent & Miller, LLP - Domestic & Family Matters
Danks & Danks - Attorneys practice in all areas of domestic relations & family law.


Cordell & Cordell, P.C. - Domestic Litigation Firm. Divorce, Legal Separation. Phelps & Fara, LLP - Attorneys at Law - Family Law Alternative Dispute Resolution. -
Patricia L. McKinnon - Family Law including Divorce, Legal Separation, Paternity, Guardianship. Lewis & Kappes, P.C. - Family Law: Pre-Separation, Dissolution, Child Support, Mediation. Cooper Legal Services - Dwayne E. Cooper - Family Law, Free Initial Consultation.
Baker & Daniels, LLP - Individual/Family: divorce, property division, child custody and visitation.
Ruppert & Schaefer, P.C. - Represents clients in the legal field of family law in central Indiana.
Pennamped & Associates - Contemplating divorce is always difficult. What you should know.


Dana M. Larbus, LLC - Law Office - Family Law Attorney and Certified Mediator.

South Bend
Anderson, Agostino & Keller, P.C. - Represent clients in divorces, civil & family law mediations.
Tony Zirkle - Also in Crown Point, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis - Family Law Issues / Divorces.

Statewide Support

Indianapolis Legal Aid Society - Counties: Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Marion, Morgan, and Shelby.
Indiana Legal Service - Nonprofit law firm that provides free civil legal assistance to eligible low-income people. Indiana Courts - Legal Service Providers - Organizations providing legal services to low income clients, some offer pro bono.
American Bar Association - Directory of local programs that provide free and/or low cost legal assistance to those who qualify.


Basic Books Fathers' Rights: Hard-Hitting and Fair Advice for Every Father Involved in a Custody Dispute
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Help: ISO divorce attorney

Good evneing. I am a college student looking for a lawyer in New York City (any borough is fine though) to help me file my divorce. I am a student so if anyone can refer me to a pro bono attorney, i will be much appreciative. I learned recently that my wife married me under false pretenses in order to obtain US residence and eventually
citizenship. So yeah, i am peeved. Unfortunately, I cannot afford a lawayer. So please CL community, HELP ME OUT! Thank you. :)

Broadway Books A Piece of Cake: A Memoir
Book (Broadway Books)

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