Cheap Divorce Lawyers Long Island NY

Divorce Lawyer Long Island NY  March 31, 2015 – 08:00 pm
Divorce Attorneys Keil & Siegel LLP | Low Cost Divorce New York

Child Custody | Separation Agreements | Marital Property | Family Law

The Skilled, Experienced New York Divorce Lawyers You Want On Your Side

Divorce Lawyer Long Island, Queens, Brooklyn and NYC

Our attorneys are zealous in our in our representation of clients concerning divorce and divorce related legal matters. We litigate in the courts throughout the metropolitan New York area. Our attorneys are sensitive to the needs of our clients going through divorces. We focus our attention on issues involving child custody, parenting time with their children, visitation and complex, high-end property division situations. Our attorneys have decades of experience in drafting separation agreements, settlement agreements, as well as prenuptial and postnuptial agreements. The following are some of the matrimonial related issues our attorneys focus on:

We Handle High Asset Property Disputes and Tax Issues

At the Law Office of Elliot S. Schlissel, our Long Island Divorce Attorneys are familiar with the needs of high asset clients. Tax planning, property division and support issues are usually much more complicated when larger amounts are at stake. We work closely with a team of legal and non-legal professionals, including accountants (investigative and forensic); appraisers (real estate and business); and investigators to make sure we have all the information we need to help you. We are familiar with the issues involved with closely help corporations and the valuation of the stock of family and other closely held businesses. We have the expertise and knowledge to effectively represent individuals with modest assets as well as individuals with millions of dollars in assets.

In Negotiations, Mediation and Trial, We Make Sure Your Rights are Protected

Our family law and divorce lawyers are excellent in litigation settings as well as situations involving negotiations. As your attorneys during the often-stressful process of resolving a family issue, we understand the unique difficulties that may arise in the context of domestic relations, both legally and emotionally. We provide support to our clients by effectively representing their interests. Our clients are aware that we are available seven days a week to help, them if necessary.

Feel free to visit our Divorce-Information-Center for additional information about the legal aspects of divorce.

Contact An Experienced Divorce Lawyer

Contact us to discuss your case and our qualifications to represent you. Our phones are monitored seven days a week and we offer free consultations to our prospective clients. We understand our clients may be busy with their careers and employment situations. We make ourselves available for evening appointments for our busy clients. We can be reached at 1-800-344-6431, 516-561-6645 or 718-650-2802. We welcome your inquires.

Read our related articles:
Moving on and Recovering From a Divorce
NY Residency Requirements
New York Family Divorce Attorney
Finding Hidden Assets in a Divorce Proceeding

For more information, see our frequently asked questions on divorce

Tags: divorce lawyer long island, new york divorce-law, new york, family law, domestic relations, human interest, social issues, prenuptial agreement, divorce attorney, separation agreements, child custody, marital property, law office, law, divorce, attorneys, mediation


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