Divorce Lawyers in Beaumont Texas

Divorce Lawyer Beaumont TX | Schaper Law Firm  October 20, 2013 – 09:50 am

Man concerned about divorceWhen they're seeking a local divorce lawyer, Beaumont, TX residents know that they can turn to the Schaper Law Firm for warm attention and personal assistance in getting through a difficult time.

A Lawyer Who Will Step to the Line

Divorce is ranked by many healthcare providers as the most difficult and most emotional event in an adult’s life. Consult with an attorney who understands the difficulty and pain, but who takes the emotion out of the decision-making.

Personal relationships often require legal solutions. A line gets drawn in the sand, emotions rise. This is the time your rights in the relationship need protecting. If you are looking for a lawyer who will step to the line, an expert divorce lawyer in Beaumont, TX from Suzanne Schaper Law Firm will be on your side.We will file your divorce, answer a divorce that has been filed against you, enforce or modify a current order, or develop a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. At Suzanne Schaper Law Firm, we understand the realities of uncontested divorce, contested divorce, and the feelings involved.

Uncontested Divorces Require Client Protection

Divorce is not always a contested matter. Sometimes, divorcing spouses agree on all of the issues incident to divorce. These include property division, child custody, child support, and alimony. Although an uncontested divorce is less stressful to the parties than contested divorce, it is important to consult an attorney to ensure that your rights are protected. Uncontested divorce also requires legal paperwork that protects those rights. We are committed to assisting clients and keeping these proceedings non-adversarial.

Contested Divorce and the Willingness to Take the Case to Trial

In most cases, divorce is a contested matter. It is only natural that divorcing spouses do not agree on some or all issues involved in the divorce. Just because both parties do not agree in the beginning does not necessarily rule out pre-trial settlement. Settlement proceedings are most effective when the client is represented by an attorney who is not only willing to settle but also take the case to trial. At Suzanne Schaper Law Firm we strive to honor the preferences of our clients in decisions regarding settlement or trial. Suzanne Schaper is by trade a Texas trial lawyer and an active member of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association.

Emotion is Natural, But Emotion Should Not Drive the Decisions

Without exception, divorce takes an emotional toll on the parties involved. Professional research indicates that divorce is one of the top two most stressful events of a person's life. The clients at Suzanne Schaper Law Firm are treated with respect and compassion. Suzanne Schaper empathizes with the unique circumstances of every client. I also understand that while emotion is natural and to be expected, emotion should not be a driving force in these decisions that will affect the rest of your life.

Source: www.familylawbeaumont.com

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Texas Divorce Survival Guide: How To Choose the Right Lawyer, Avoid Common Mistakes and Move on with Your Life
Book (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform)

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Attorneys Question If TX, Federal Law at odds

Attorneys Question Whether Texas, Federal Law at Odds
By Kelley Shannon
Associated Press Writer
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - The federal law President Bush signed to prolong Terri Schiavo's life in Florida appears to conflict with a Texas law he signed as governor, attorneys familiar with the legislation said Monday.
The 1999 Advance Directives Act in Texas allows for a patient's surrogate to make end-of-life decisions and spells out how to proceed if a hospital or other health provider disagrees with a decision to maintain or halt life-sustaining treatment.
If a doctor refuses to honor a decision, the case goes before a medical committee

Are you in Texas?

Since you are posted on the Austin discussion group, I will give you some specific info. If you are elsewhere, there may be similar programs where you are.
In Austin, the law library on the first floor of the courthouse has an assisted pro se (do it yourself) package of information and forms which shows you all documents needed. However, if he is going to hire an attorney, I would not go that route. You will likely get taken advantage of if you do not have your own attorney. The Lawyer Referral Service (in phone book) has a program called MATCH, where lawyers agree to take some lower income cases for $60

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