International Divorce Lawyers

International Divorce Attorney Virginia | Overseas Divorce Lawyer Tysons Corner VA  March 14, 2015 – 03:14 am
New Jersey Family Law Attorneys for Immigrants | Trenton

International Divorce

When a foreign national marries a U.S. citizen, temporary residency is awarded for a period of two years. For the purposes of immigration, the citizen spouse is the sponsor of the non-citizen spouse. If a non-citizen spouse is divorced during this two year period and his or her citizen spouse revokes residency sponsorship, the non-citizen spouse may face deportation. While deportation presents one set of concerns, asserting rights to child custody and marital property presents others. At the law office of The Maddox Law Firm, P.C., our attorneys protect the financial and legal rights of clients in international divorce cases, working with immigration and State Department officials and carefully preparing before we enter the court room.

If you are facing divorce after being wed to a non-citizen spouse, or if you are a U.S. citizen facing divorce in a foreign country, contact international divorce attorneys at the law office of The Maddox Law Firm, P.C. today.

International Divorce - Addressing Important Issues

The international family law attorneys at the law office of The Maddox Law Firm, P.C. represent clients in the following matters related to divorce:

Pre-empting Potential Problems That Could Arise in an International Divorce

Different countries have different requirements in international divorces. While many countries honor U.S. court rulings, some do not. In cases involving overseas military divorces, the financial and child custody arrangements that are put in place will depend on whether or not a country has enforceable treaties with the United States regarding such matters. How property and child custody are viewed in an Asian or Middle Eastern court may be quite different than in the U.S. As a result, it may be necessary to involve the State Department or U.S. embassy officials in your case.

Contact International Divorce Attorneys at The Maddox Law Firm, P.C.

Given the variations in legal requirements and laws, it's important to involve an international divorce attorney in your case as soon as possible. It is better to be in a position to assert your rights than to be put on the defensive in a country where you have to overcome local customs and laws that are often unfavorable to foreigners.

To schedule an appointment and discuss how we can help you, contact international divorce lawyers at The Maddox Law Firm, P.C. today.


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Divorce Help!!!!

I am trying to help someone I know. There are alot of facts to the case, which I will list. She is having alot of problems. The man she is getting a divorce from has a lot of money, but has most of his assets transfered and put under other peoples names.
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I am trying to help someone I know. There are alot of fact to the case, which I will list. She is having alot of problems because the man she is getting a divorce from has alot of money, but has alot of his assets transfered and put under other peoples names. The problem she is currenty facing is that her husband is now trying to kick her and her 3 children out of the house the bought together. He is a very wealthy man and has a team of lawyers on his side, she has been a stay at home mom for the past 12 or so years and has no money of her own. she has refused to sign the divorce papers because of the fact that he currently has nothing under his name and if she goes through with the divorce she will get nothing

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