Bergen County Divorce Lawyer

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Family law referral needed
Does anyone in Sacramento know of a free/cheap Family law attorney? I'd prefer something pro bono, if not very inexpensive. I'm kind of strapped for cash at the moment.
Is that a dirty word for lawyers lol, or is there such a Place to help someone who doesn't know where to look?
I would truly appreciate any words of wisdom. I've tried
the Sac County Bar Assoc but they do not provide pro bono referrals and they charge 30.00 for other referrals.
Thanks to anyone who can tell me or suggest a way to get assistance.
I am in the middle of a custody dispute.
Thanks in advance
There is really
No such thing as a cheap family law attorney. However, there are other alternatives that you can think about pursuing.
For one, you can do the paperwork yourself. You can find a notice of motion online at - go to the self help part and follow instructions.
Furthermore, your court website may be able to help you with forms as well.
Third, you may wish to hire a paralegal to assist you. Someone that has EXPERIENCE in family law that has been doing it for more than 2 years. They can assist you with paperwork and get everything in order for you - just can't represent you in court
Finding a lawyer.
He's going to be looking a family lawyer to handle the stuff with the child. he may also want to find a criminal defense lawyer with background in sex offender registration to discuss how that's going to affect his life.
As for finding a lawyer, it may be tough for you to do that for him. Most will probably be uncomfortable discussing his case with a third party. It may need to be something he does on his own once he's released. He should call the county bar association and ask for a referral to a family law attorney. An initial consultation will be pretty cheap. he can repeat the process several times until he finds an attorney he likes and is comfortable with.
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