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Divorce Attorney Las Vegas – Family Law – Divorce Lawyer Nevada  October 23, 2013 – 15:43
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Family Law

The family law attorneys at Bush & Levy LLC. are well-versed in all aspects of Nevada family law, including divorces, annulments, child custody, child support, spousal support, child visitation, protective orders, joint petitions, and issues of domestic violence.

Lots of people get married in Vegas – there seem to be wedding chapels everywhere in the city. However, divorces and annulments are also common in Las Vegas and whether or not the couple live or work in Vegas, Nevada law will control their split.

Annulments can be obtained under Nevada law, but certain evidence must be provided to establish the legal basis for annulling, or erasing, the marriage. In most instances, divorce proceedings must be instituted. In Las Vegas, many opt for a joint or uncontested divorce which can be finalized in 2-3 weeks once state residency is established.

For those couples with children, issues of child support, child custody, and child visitation must be considered. Nevada law establishes set guidelines for monetary support of children, and visitation schedules are likely to be standardized, as well.

For more information, see Divorce in Nevada.

Have questions about divorce, annulment, or child support or custody issues? Feel free to call Bush & Levy 702-868-4411 to schedule a free, initial consultation.

The Las Vegas family law attorneys at Bush & Levy are accustomed to dealing with clients seeking a divorce or annulment of a Vegas marriage, although they may not reside in the state now – or didn’t when the marriage took place. How Nevada law works with the law of their state – or their country – can be complex when obtaining an annulment or divorce. Vegas family law attorneys have heard from many clients who didn’t realize that the costumed, funny ceremony in the wacky chapel on the Strip was, indeed, a legally binding ceremony.

Bush & Levy divorce attorneys work with these clients to find the most expedient and efficient manner to rectify their wacky wedding situations, in a manner that will be legally recognized both in Nevada and in their place of residence.
Have questions about divorce or annulment issues? Feel free to call Bush & Levy 702-868-4411 to schedule a free, initial consultation.

Domestic violence, unfortunately, is a common problem in this country. National studies reveal that most instances of reported domestic violence involve simple assaults, occurring in the daytime, in the couple’s home. Forty-two percent (42%) of these instances involved alcohol or drugs.

The family law attorneys at Bush & Levy work with clients who are the victims of domestic violence. First, the family law attorney works with the client on the possibility of filing criminal charges. Battery, assault, and stalking can all be filed as criminal charges in a domestic violence situation. Here, the victim becomes a witness in a criminal court proceeding, and the prosecutor works to prove that a crime of domestic violence has been committed.


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