Cheap Divorce Lawyers Las Vegas

Las Vegas Divorce Lawyer | Divorce & Family Law  March 4, 2015 – 02:59 pm

Many individuals, perhaps due to financial considerations or with thoughts of expediency, decide to start the divorce process without seeking guidance from a of the Nevada Revised Statutes. In essence, the Court decides to which degree each parent has a right to physical custody (where the children will physically reside) and legal custody (the responsibility each parent has for making decisions regarding the general health and well-being of the child). Without an experienced Las Vegas divorce attorney, you could be placing your custody rights in jeopardy.

Child Support

In Nevada, the amount of child support owed by each parent is determined by a somewhat complicatedchild child support formula based on factors such as the number of children and gross monthly income. However, changes in financial status or other mitigating factors can affect how support is calculated. Whether you must pay or are entitled to receive child support payments, a divorce lawyer can ensure payments are calculated properly.

Division of Property and Debt

Nevada is a community property state, generally meaning that upon divorce, spouses evenly divide property and debt acquired during the marriage while maintaining separate ownership of property and debt acquired prior to the marriage. While community property is divided equally in terms of monetary value, disputes often arise as to which spouse is entitled to specific properties and whether a property should be classified as community or separate in the first place. A Las Vegas divorce lawyer may be able to assist in keeping the property you desire and avoiding being burdened unfairly with debt.

Spousal Support

Alimony, or spousal support, is left to the discretion of the Court. A judge determines whether alimony is applicable and in what amount. While the judge will carefully weigh a variety of financial and other factors, it doesn’t guarantee the final decision will be fair and equitable. Individuals who choose to represent themselves during divorce proceedings instead of by a divorce lawyer may find they are required to pay more or receive less in alimony than they truly deserve.

Contact RIGHT Divorce Lawyers at (702) 914-0400


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