Pro Bono divorce Lawyers

Pro Bono Programs  April 12, 2015 – 11:57 pm

Nashville Pro Bono Program

The Nashville Pro Bono Program provides lawyers the opportunity to secure home, health, safety, financial stability, respect and hope for our most disadvantaged neighbors.

Lawyers working with The Nashville Pro Bono Program provided legal help to 1, 668 clients in 2009. Lawyers offer a full range of help, from brief advice to complex litigation, for clients whose problems span the spectrum of the legal system.

To make this work satisfying and rewarding for each lawyer, Nashville Pro Bono offers:

Liability Insurance - Primary liability insurance coverage for cases handled through the program under LAS’s policy.

Training & Continuing Legal Education - Receive up to 3 hours of E&P credit each year for pro bono work through LAS (one hour of CLE for 5 billable hours of assistance); free CLE through the year on various topics.

Litigation Fund - LAS pays necessary filing fees and litigation expenses; provides forms for filing fee waivers.

Office Space - Client interviews and meetings can be scheduled at the office of Legal Aid Society, 300 Deaderick Street in Nashville.

Research - Access to LAS resources for research.

Mentoring - Legal Aid staff and other pro bono lawyers are available for consultation.

Screened Clients - Applicants are pre-screened to determine their financial eligibility for free legal assistance and the merit of the case.

The Nashville Pro Bono Program works with volunteer lawyers to identify opportunities that fit your schedule and complement your practice, including:

Direct Client Representation - Volunteer representation can include transactional matters like preparing a will; uncontested hearings like conservatorships, name change or probating wills and contested litigation as simple as an unemployment hearing or as complex as a contested divorce or Consumer Protection Act claim.

Advice and Referral Clinics - Volunteer attorneys consult with clients about matters that can be resolved with advice, with potential to refer for extended representation if required. Click here for list.

Representing Non-profits - Lawyers can represent organizations providing services to people who have low income or are elderly in a single transaction, special project or an on-going basis.

Mediation - Rule 31 mediators can volunteer to provide mediation in pro bono referrals and in Legal Aid Society staff cases.

Reverse Referral - Many lawyers represent client pro bono. Reporting all pro bono service to the public strengthens public confidence in the legal system and we want you to report that work. If your pro bono client is financially eligible, we can open a file for the client.

Special Projects - We are excited about matching lawyers’ special interests with the needs of clients and look forward to working with you to develop new ways for lawyers to serve community.


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Lawyers won't do divorce work pro bono

If you are in an abusive situation you could contact the DV agency in your county and get help. It may be that you would qualify for legal aid if you are poor.
If there are no childen and if there is agreement over division of property you could do it yourself. Google divorce in your county.
Doing it yourself will take a bit of work but will save you money.
Lawyers don't work for free any more than mechanics or doctors.

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