Low Cost Divorce Lawyer Phoenix

Flat Fee Divorce in Phoenix | Arizona Flat Fee Divorce Decree Attorney  October 23, 2013 – 15:44
Ryan Reppucci (AZFAMLAWYER) on Twitter

Affordable Attorneys' Fee Options; Flat Rates, Hourly Rates, Payment Plans

At Singer Pistiner, P.C., we understand that retaining an attorney is expensive and can put a strain on your finances. We also understand that not everyone can afford advance deposits/retainers requested by many firms. However, we also understand that navigating through the Court system as a family law litigant is difficult. Furthermore, we know that uncertainty of the law can lead to undesirable and unproductive outcomes.

As a result, our firm offers many affordable fee options to our clients. In this way, we allow our clients to choose how their divorce will be handled and take control of the financial aspect involved in ending their marriage or obtaining orders for custody of a child.

Our firm offers divorce and custody services at an hourly rate, as is standard in the legal industry. However, Singer Pistiner, P.C. also offers our clients a flat-fee option. If our client's choose the flat fee option, they will not be billed individually for each phone call or e-mail that they make to our office. Instead, there will be a one-time flat fee charged to the client to handle their entire divorce proceeding. The one-time flat fee will apply whether the client's matter is resolved via settlement or proceeds all the way through trial to a Judge.

The flat fee option is available to any client, no matter how complex the issues involved in the divorce. This is not a "cheap" divorce. We can help you negotiate a settlement and obtain a divorce decree that deals with any aspect of your divorce action, including:

Our attorneys realize that in this economy, an inexpensive option for divorce can be beneficial for many people. While this avenue may not suit everyone's needs, we believe it is important to provide the option for those who need a divorce.

Payment Plan Options

At Singer Pistiner, our Phoenix divorce and custody attorneys understand that not everyone has the resources or assets available to retain a high quality, knowledgeable attorney to assist them with important legal matters relating to custody, parenting time, spousal maintenance, child support or any other legal issue that arises in the context of a divorce in Maricopa County, Arizona.

Knowing the importance of these issues and how they will affect our clients' lives, our attorneys offer affordable payment plan options. Our attorney payment-plan options will allow some of our Arizona clients the ability to make affordable payments and have the experienced, knowledgeable representation of attorneys.

Our priority is to make sure that every aspect of your case is addressed with care and empathy. Our lawyers strongly believe in prompt service - returning your phone calls in a timely matter and answering your questions using thorough research. We will always aggressively negotiate on your behalf and keep the focus on your goals as we reach a settlement. We are here to serve you and protect your interests.

Our firm also offers an opportunity to our clients to take advantage of our expertise and get our clients started on the right path in the divorce process. Contact our firm to discuss other affordable and practical fee options that we offer.

Source: www.singerpistiner.com

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Legal advice......

I am recovering from an ugly divorce that has left me in serious financial straights. I have been left with high credit card debt, bad credit, and no housing. I am also paying an extremely high child support payment that insures that I cannot pay my bills each month. I have met with a lawyer (two actually) and have determined that I should be filing for bankruptcy however I need a minimum of $2grand to retain services. I work full time, irregular hours and make a salary of roughly $35g per year, before child support/taxes et all. This puts me in an income too high to obtain free or reduced cost legal services from area lawyers however I don't make enough to cover my bills let alone an attorney

This whole thing

Reminds me soooo much of my parents divorce. The only difference was that
during the divorce I was 20 and my sister was 22.
My dad decided to quit his engeneering job in PA to relocate to Fort Myers, FL. Since then, he has not been able to pay my mom her alimony. She works full time making a decent salary and now has her own apartment.
My moms lawyers went haywire on the fact that my dad VOLUNTEERLY quit his job in PA to move to FL. After he moved to FL, he cried the same "oh I cant find a job here..." while he was living in my deceased uncles house free and clear

This could so totally be BLP

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Four thousand ninety-three days have passed. The answer never changes.
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