Cheap Divorce Lawyers in Phenix City AL

Phenix City Divorce Lawyer - Local Attorneys & Law Firms in Phenix City, AL  April 3, 2015 – 08:43 pm
Law Offices of Jo Anna C. Parker, LLC - Firm Profile

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I had to post this so everyone could read it here, instead of going to the site.
A City Losing Its Children
* San Francisco's population is growing, but the portion under 18 is shrinking as housing costs push families out.
By MARIA L. LA GANGA, Times Staff Writer
SAN FRANCISCO--The first Gold Rush to shape this region of rolling hills and sparkling water was peopled by a rugged breed of fortune hunters--mostly young, mostly single, mostly male. San Francisco in 1849 was a playground for the hale and hearty, no place for families.

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